
About the Family Nurse Practitioner Degree

Why Pursue an Online FNP Degree at Cedarville?


锡达维尔的基督教MSN或DNP家庭护士执业计划将为你提供贯穿人类一生的初级护理做好准备,并将护理作为耶稣基督的事工. 我们负担得起的,认证的,在线护士执业计划包括 assessment, diagnosis, management, and treatment of common acute and chronic health problems, health promotion, client and family education, 以及利用循证实践来满足初级保健和预防的需求. The biblically integrated coursework will 影响你作为高级实习护士提供的护理.

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$5,000 Scholarship Offer

A limited number of $5,现为有经济需要的新护理研究生提供10,000奖学金. Apply now to see if you qualify!

Top 5 in Ohio

U.S. News & World Report 将锡达维尔大学的在线研究生护理课程列为全国前100名,俄亥俄州前5名.

有关我们的MSN和DNP学位课程的更多信息,请访问我们的 Insights Blog where you can read interesting posts like 平衡工作、家庭和研究生学业:基督教护士的5条原则.

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

  • Biblical Worldview

  • Advanced Practice

    Cedarville's M.S.N. 会让你具备作为一名高级实习护士所需的培训和技能吗.
  • Online

    All MSN and DNP courses are offered in an online format, with flexible part-time and full-time completion options.

Program Overview

FNP Program Highlights

Convenient -所有MSN和DNP课程都以在线形式提供. 四项必要的校内经历包括在开始FNP临床专业课程之前和临床每学期的临床指导 specialty courses.

Flexible — Part-time and full-time completion options.

Outstanding Christian Faculty -您将由具有高学历和临床经验的教师教授和指导. 他们热衷于帮助你把护理当作一种事工.

Affordable -锡达维尔的MSN FNP项目是俄亥俄州所有研究生护士执业项目中成本最低的, while the DNP program also offers an incredible value. Financial aid, including scholarships, is available.

What Can You Do With a FNP Degree?

家庭护士执业轨道将准备你作为一名高级执业护士在整个人类生命周期提供初级保健. As a graduate of the FNP program, whether you're pursuing your MSN or DNP, 你将有资格申请国家认证和就业 as a family nurse practitioner.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom


你将参加四项为期2 - 3天的校内体验, 其中包括面对面的教学材料和使用我们最先进的模拟体验, high- and low-fidelity simulators. As part of these simulations, faculty will guide you through clinical decision-making, gaining advanced practice nursing skills and competencies.

Admission, Costs and Aid, Start Dates

Admission Requirements -在Cedarville的研究生院之旅的第一步是申请入学.

MSN Admission Requirements DNP Admission Requirements

Costs and Financial Aid — Your decision to pursue quality, 基督教研究生教育代表了你的职业生涯和专业发展的宝贵投资. To assure your degree is also affordable, 沙巴体育的研究生课程价格具有竞争力,并且可以通过各种经济援助来补充.

MSN Cost Information DNP Cost Information

Program Start Dates -您可以在8月、10月、1月、3月、5月或6月注册并开始上课.

Program Curriculum

Sample Courses

  • Biblical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Applied Scholarship in Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Advanced Concepts and Practice in the Care of Adults

MSN Curriculum

你将完成12个研究生护理学核心学期, 9 direct care core hours, 2 applied scholarship core hours, 以及22小时的家庭护理专业课程.

DNP Curriculum

BSN-to-DNP -您将完成23个研究生护理核心学期, 31–35 DNP core hours, and 22 hours of Family Nurse Practitioner courses.

MSN-to-DNP -你将完成14个研究生护理核心学期, 31–35 DNP core hours, and 22 hours of Family Nurse Practitioner courses.

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

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Stewarding Your Gifts With a Graduate Degree

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Family Nurse Practitioner Program

听一名MSN FNP学生解释沙巴体育的支持性教师是如何让她成为一名高级实习护士的.

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From Our Director:

Learn About Career Services

Program Contacts

Photo of Cliff Fawcett

Cliff Fawcett, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, MED



Photo of Maggie Hess

Maggie Hess



Photo of Kim Higginbotham

Kim Higginbotham, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, PMHS

Associate Professor of Nursing


Program News